The Montessori Children's House of Hyde Park is a community that emphasizes the importance of the student and parent experience beyond the classroom. Parent events, after school clubs and field trips augment the academic program in nurturing the whole child.
Parent Social Organization
The purpose of the P.S.O. is to create a sense of camaraderie and friendship between parents and families of MCHHP by means of organizing activities and events. We hope you will be able to join us for one or all of the fun events throughout our school year!
Extended Care
We are pleased to offer Extended Care hours in the AM and PM for our students. Hourly rates and monthly flat fees are available based on your needs.
Afterschool Clubs
The Montessori Children's House of Hyde Park is excited to offer a variety of enriching extracurricular activities. In keeping with the high standards of Montessori Children's House of Hyde Park, we have sought out top franchises and educators to host these clubs for our students.
Field Trips
Classroom lessons are enhanced through regular educational field trips. Field trips extend the classroom environment and facilitate the social nature of the child. These outings enforce a child’s learning through experience. The integration of subjects and field trips also allows the child to relate how classroom lessons apply to life.
Lunch Program
We are excited to offer an optional hot lunch programs with delicious meals provided by a local restaurant, Evos and Tastes of Tampa Bay. Our hot lunch program is available four days of the week - Monday - Thursday. To participate, parents order directly through their website.